5 Important Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Website

WordPress is inescapably a name you’ve come across if you’re starting to build your first website. It’s a powerful tool for building and managing websites. WordPress can be used for blogs, business websites, personal websites, and eCommerce stores. WordPress themes are available as per user requirements. This platform is web-based, which means you don’t have to install any desktop software to use it. We’ve put together a list of six reasons why you should use this platform for your website.


When it comes to website management, you don’t want to take any chances.WordPress has a 60% share of the CMS market. When determining the reliability of a platform, it’s sometimes best to look at how many people use it. Given that Wordpess themes are used by roughly one-third of all websites on the internet, it’s safe to assume that if you use it, your site will be in good hands as well. You can use WordPress forums to communicate with other people who use the world’s most popular content management system. Aside from those options, you can also contact the WordPress support team for assistance.


SEO can make or break your website’s success. As a result, it’s something you should start thinking about from the beginning of your website.WordPress makes this simple by providing built-in tools that indicate how SEO-friendly your content is. Although the majority of you will want to upgrade from the basic SEO tools and use a WordPress SEO plugin instead. More keywords, phrases, and related terms are available in the paid version of this plugin. It will also keep track of your most important pages and notify you if too much time has passed since the last update. The updating to the premium plugin gives you information on content, internal link ideas, and an Ad-free experience, among dozens of additional advantages.


WordPress can be as complex as you want it to be or as simple as you want it to be. You can choose to only use the platform’s basic version to publish blog posts. On the other hand, you can use it for your company’s website and add widgets and plugins to make it more functional. WordPress’ adaptability extends to the types of people who use it. It’ll be entirely up to you how you use it and which features you want to take advantage of.
You can also integrate things like email marketing software, payment gateways, Google Analytics, WordPress website themes, and countless other components that you might need to run a fully functional and operational website, in addition to plugins and widgets. Third-party tools are designed specifically for WordPress. Because the CMS platform is so widely used, those other businesses are aware that their current and potential customers may use it to manage their websites. As a result, once you build a WordPress site, you won’t have to abandon the platforms and resources you’re used to


 With features like password protection for folder contents, WordPress makes it simple to improve the security of your site. Bugs and potential security threats can be avoided by keeping your WordPress version up to date. Enabling an SSL certificate for your WordPress site is also simple. Most of the time, you can obtain this information from your web hosting provider. This is a quick and easy way to improve the security of your WordPress website.

There are also additional steps you can take to improve the security of your website. Installing a WordPress backup plugin and a WordPress security plugin are also proactive measures you can take. You don’t want to lose all of your content and data if your website is hacked in some way. If something goes wrong with your website, a plugin will make it simple to recover it.

Streamlined content creation

Anyone can create a new WordPress site because it is so simple. With just a few clicks, you can have everything set up. All you have to do now is go to the “posts” section of your dashboard menu once your site is live. You’ll find everything you need to write and publish a new blog post right here. Text editors, formatting tools, ways to upload media files and WordPess themes are all available. The entire content creation process on WordPress is very simple, as you’ll quickly discover.

It doesn’t matter if you’re building your first website from scratch or if you’re a seasoned developer—WordPress should be your platform of choice. Jthemes is dedicated to offering all of its clients the best WordPress theme and services. Connect today for further information.