How to Create a Full-Width Page in WordPress

A full-width page can make your WordPress website stand out, which is why so many premium themes include one. If you don’t have a theme with a built-in full-width page, you can easily lay it out with a plugin or the Elementor page editor. Create or edit a WordPress page and expand the Template drop-down under Page Attributes in the sidebar to see if your theme already includes a full-width template. You can use a full-width template if your theme already has one.

You can add full-width templates to any theme with the right approach. You’ll notice that each page you visit has a different template. Some have footers, while others have large hero sections, hidden menus, and a variety of other layouts. You can’t remove that element from sidebar-only templates. Although sidebars can be useful in many situations, they may not be appropriate for every design.

You can use full-width templates on any of your pages with the most modern themes. Some themes, however, do not offer the same level of customization. This can be a deal-breaker, but changing themes is often too time-consuming. On the off chance that your subject doesn’t have inherent controls for controlling page width, continue to peruse to figure out how to add this element to any topic utilizing a free full-width page WordPress module.

Use the Fullwidth Templates plugin

It should come as no surprise that a plugin exists to assist you in incorporating full-width templates into your theme. You can create a layout without a sidebar, page title, or comments section for any of your pages or posts using the free Fullwidth Templates plugin.

Other templates are included with the plugin right out of the box. There’s a template with no sidebar that doesn’t touch anything else, as well as a blank option if you want to start from scratch. Install and activate the plugin, and the new template options will appear in the Page Attributes section when editing any page or post. After you’ve chosen a template, you can begin customizing your page.

If you’re changing a page’s template, we recommend starting from scratch to get the best results, as the plugin can drastically alter the appearance of your existing page in this case. Furthermore, the plugin is compatible with many of the most popular themes, so you won’t have any issues.

Make a Full-Width WordPress Page utilizing a Plugin

If your theme doesn’t have a full-width page template, you can use a plugin to add one. Fullwidth Templates is the plugin we’ll be using. The Fullwidth Templates plugin must be installed and activated. If you’re not sure how to install a plugin, we’ve put together a quick guide for you. After you’ve done that, you’ll notice three new templates in the Page Attributes section of the page you’re working on.

If your theme does not provide you with a full-width page, FW Fullwidth simply creates one for you. Fullwidth FW For an ultra-minimalist look, No Header Footer also removes the header and footer, while FW No Sidebar only removes your sidebar if you use it, freeing up more space on your page. Keep in mind that while this plugin has been tested with many of the most popular themes and page builders, it may or may not work with yours depending on the layout. If you are a new WordPress user, it is usually best to rely on the theme’s settings.

The Settings icon is the next thing you should look for. It can be found near the bottom of the left-hand menu. Then select Full Width from the Page Layout menu. However, this simply means that the page’s content will be able to stretch to its full width. You must use the element’s Layout settings to make your content fill the entire screen width. Simply change the element’s layout from the default Boxed to Full Width in the element’s Edit menu, and your content will now stretch fully between the vertical edges of the page.

Add a full-width template to your theme manually.

We recommend sticking with the free plugin above unless you’re comfortable working with code and theme template files. If you don’t want to use a plugin, you can manually create a full-width template file for any theme. The procedure is simple, but it will necessitate tinkering with your theme files. If you’re going to make major changes, it’s always a good idea to use a child theme and back up your website.

Remember that after the header section, you must paste the entire contents of the page.php file. Your template will work without a hitch if you do it correctly. As with other templates, you can now choose your new full-width page template from the Page Attributes section of the editor.

When Should a Full-Width Page Layout Be Used?

A full-width layout can be an excellent way to highlight graphics. If you’re creating a visually focused website, you can make the most of them by displaying them in all of their glory, without the clutter of sidebars and other elements. Even if the website you’re looking at isn’t a graphics-heavy portfolio, a full-width design can give it a more dynamic appearance.

In a theme, how do I change the page layout to full width?

You’re in luck if your theme already has a full-width layout. It should be simple to locate. Simply load the page you want to make full width, go to the Document tab on the right-hand side menu, and select Full Width from the Page Attributes section. That’s everything there is to it. You can now edit your full-width page in the same way you would any other page. Of course, the specifics will be determined by your theme.


It’s not necessary to change themes if your current one doesn’t support full-width pages. It’s generally a difficulty, and it’s far simpler to make a full-width format that works with your present subject. You now have an extra tool at your disposal if you want to impress desktop and mobile users alike with your responsive design skills, or if you need to make an outwardly amazing and vivid site page for your WordPress site.