Pros and Cons of using Child Themes for WordPress?

Word press theme-

It is primarily a collection of several templates which are used to create WordPress enabled websites. The WordPress themes can be changed managed and added by the Admin.

WordPress Child Theme-

A theme which inherits the functionality of parent WordPress theme is called child WordPress Theme. These themes are used when one wants to customize or change an existing WordPress theme. One important aspect of the child theme is that you can upgrade them whenever you want.

Why we need child WordPress themes-

In the past, when the concept of child theme was not introduced it was very difficult to upgrade the WordPress theme. If one upgrades the WordPress themes then he or she will have to lose all the styling and changes that were made earlier. So the user has to do all the styling again. In order to overcome this problem, the concept of child World Press theme was introduced. A child WordPress theme can inherit all the functionality, features, and the code of the parent theme without making any changes to the parent theme.

The decision to use the concept of a child theme often depends on the needs of the user. Several sites that we develop for ourselves and clients are child themes of the Genesis theme framework. In a very rare case, if the project is very complex or very simple, then only we create it as a standalone custom WordPress theme. As developers, you have to streamline your flow of work while creating quality themes. Creating a child theme of the Genesis framework helps the developer to accomplish these goals.

As a user, one should use child themes only if you are constantly adding new functions to your theme’s functions.php file or constantly modifying the style.css file. In such cases, child themes are recommended. What, if you are only adding custom styles? Which is it better to use a child theme or a custom CSS plugin? The answer to that depends on how savvy and comfortable you are with technology. If you are only modifying the styles of a few elements, then using a custom CSS plugin works just fine. However, if you are changing the entire color scheme, moving things around in the CSS, etc., then you definitely should consider using a child theme.

As the name shows the child WordPress theme has all the properties of the parents’ theme. It is similar to children have inherited characteristics of their parents.

Pros of using Child Themes for WordPress

  • The first and most important advantage of child WordPress theme is that it automatically gets all the features of parent theme like- features, Style, and templates.
  • One can the child theme without making any changes in the parent theme.
  • One can update child themes without losing customization.
  • These themes are very powerful as they are built on a very powerful theme framework.
  • In such themes, you don’t have to write too many codes.
  • Child themes provide you one other facility, in these themes you can selectively edit the files. You don’t have to edit all the files.
  • While creating child themes you don’t have to bother about all possible scenarios which makes coding quite easy.
  • If you make an update in the parent it will automatically apply on the child theme also.
  • It makes the life of a developer very easy as it can be developed and modified quite easily.
  • You can use the existing codes of parents themes you don’t have to rewrite all the codes again and again.
  • If you break down a complex program into a number of small routines it would become much easier to handle it.
  • The child word press theme provides you the option to write small codes.

Cons of using Child Themes for WordPress.

  • In spite of having a number of advantages, child WordPress have few limitations also.
  • You have to invest a lot of time on learning c parent theme.
  • While using child themes you must know how to maximize your potential.
  • While creating the first child theme you have to work hard.
  • If the developer is not updating the parent theme then it will totally destroy the child theme also.
  • All the parent themes are not designed initially to be used with child themes. Sometimes if you create the child theme of such parent theme then it may break the parent theme.
  • Due to any reason if you are not updating the parent theme then the child theme would also remain un-updated.

When we can use the Child WordPress theme-

Child WordPress themes have various applications some of which are as follows-

Third party theme-

If you purchase a third party theme and want some modification then you can use the child themes for the modifications of user end.

Common parent theme-

If you are a professional developer and have to develop and manage several websites then you can develop some common parent themes and create several child WordPress themes based on that. It will make the job of development quite easier. If you use such concept then you can save a lot of time and energy as instead of customizing and modifying all the themes individually all you have to do is just modify the parent theme and the associated child themes will be modified automatically.

Scope of change-

The biggest advantage of using child world press threads that it provides you several scopes of changes in the themes. By using child WordPress you can easily modify the features, Style, and templates

Different aspects of WordPress themes-

Primarily all WordPress frameworks are parent themes, but not all parent themes are frameworks and can be used as child themes. All the WordPress themes may have child themes but not all of them can be used as theme frameworks. There are numerous beginners who make mistakes while creating a child theme of a parent theme. It is a very common problem that almost every young programmer faces. One needs to have expert knowledge of coding of the theme if he or she wants to create a Child Theme.

The special features of Child WordPress theme-

The child WordPress themes are primarily developed to overcome the various difficulties of the theme development. The biggest advantage of using child WordPress theme is that it automatically inherits all the features of parent themes. If you are using the Child theme then the time required for coding is reduced significantly. Another most important advantage of using Child WordPress theme is that the programmer can use and amend the child theme without making any changes in the parent theme.

A lot of time is needed for customization of themes and if any new updates happen then all the customization work lost. It is one of the biggest limitation of the World Press themes. But if you are using child themes then you can upgrade them without losing the customization. Being developed on a powerful theme framework the child WordPress is actually very powerful. The coding of the webpages takes too much. If you are using child WordPress theme then you can reduce the coding time significantly.

Child themes provide you several other attractive features, in these themes you can selectively edit the files. You don’t have to edit all the files. Such a feature was traditionally not possible.

The coding of child Word press themes is comparatively easy. While creating child themes you don’t have to bother about all possible scenarios which makes coding quite easy. This is one of the biggest advantages of child themes. On the other hand, the modification of child WordPress theme is very easy. These themes are the most powerful tool for the program if the parent theme is updated then it will automatically apply on the child theme also. It makes the life of a developer very easy as it can be developed and modified quite easily.

Another most attractive feature of the child WordPress theme is that the programmer can use the existing codes of parents themes and don’t have to rewrite all the codes again and again.

The simplest way of performing a complex task is that break down it into small instances If one can break down a complex program into a number of small routines it would become much easier to handle it. The child word press theme provides you the option to write small codes.

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